About Me.

I'm Pratyush

I want to design and develop products/applications and create the best possible user experience with an intuitive user interface. Looking for opportunities to grow, learn, develop, and gain some technical acumen to orchestrate solutions and help make this world a bit better in whatever way possible.

Apart from coding, I write

"Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good."

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I am a Theater Kid Too.

My theater journey helped me to land a role in a movie :)

More of that here


What I have been upto?

"Life is like walking — you take one step at a time." Taking small steps towards my career, I worked with two startups. I garnered a lot of knowldege from these opportunities.


"Discover a smarter way to expand your vocabulary with Locution, the ultimate language learning app for avid readers. With Locution, you can easily search for new words, bookmark them for later review, and track your progress as you build your vocabulary. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply an avid reader, Locution makes it easy to enhance your language skills and improve your understanding of the written word. Download Locution today and start learning like never before!"

Surf Cloud

Introducing Surf Cloud - the ultimate web browsing experience for your mobile device! With fast and secure browsing, Surf Cloud makes it easy for you to access your favorite websites and online content on the go. Our app is designed to provide you with a seamless browsing experience, whether you're using a smartphone or tablet.

PTC Onshape

Worked on a feature to simplify the user interface by combining Version Graph and Edit History of CAD Documents into a single UI resulting in enhanced navigation usability. Developed a version graph (representing different versions and branches) using CoreGraphics on pure Objective C. Created context menus and transition the app from using action sheets to much elegant context menus. Implemented custom transitions using CoreAnimation to improve user experience. Fixed existing production bugs and created XCTests to improve robustness of the product. Researched and documented Apple pencil scribble issues when working with text-fields.

Retail Smart

Developed Retail Smart’s mobile app, aimed at optimizing everyday business for retail businesses and suppliers. Developed custom UI components and layouts to provide a seamless user experience for the company’s customers. Utilized Core Data for local data storage and retrieval to provide offline functionality for the app Implemented Stripe Payment API integration into the app to enable secure online payments for customers Configured and tested Stripe integration for various payment options such as credit card, debit card and Apple pay. Utilized Stripe Webhooks to handle payment status updates and notify the app of changes in payment status.

Court Check

Developed check-in and check-out functionality for reserving sport courts. Designed and implemented the user interface for the app Implementing and integrated Firebase API for database and authentication in a production environment. Implemented push notifications for court reservation confirmations and reminders. Added MapKit to show the location of different courts. Worked on cloud functions to auto check out and other features.

Noon Academy

Developed a reusable UI component for the users to switch between the learning or social experience of the app. Added app localization to support four languages and coordinated with the UX team to develop a component to switch between languages easily. Implemented a solution to remove unwanted SDK’s dependencies, resulting in an overall 65 per cent size reduction of the app and alleviation of some performance issues. Designed and implemented a wrapper using Combine that enables call to any Restful APIs, decode the JSON data and articulated its use with comprehensive documentation.

Personal Projects & Research

EduCloud Education App

An app that will allow anyone from anywhere to start learning from the content videos of courses for classes 1 - 5. This project is my endeavour to provide free education for everyone, especially the disenfranchised communities in India and other parts of the globe.

Group Tracking System

The need to be able to operate effectively in areas where GPS is inaccessible, unreliable or potentially denied by adversaries has created a demand for navigation capabilities. To address this need, Group Tracking System is developed that has the potential to deliver the same functionality without the constraints mentioned above. The system will allow all the groups involved to view each other’s activity and position and thus will have a knowledge of how far they are from each other creating a safe environment. The system does not restrict itself to outdoors which is the main advantage when compared to the GPS system.


Color Switch Game

The goal of the game is to tap a ball through color switch obstacle with colored patterns, making sure that your ball matches the color you go through.

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Elon Space Game

I developed your my own platform game using Apple's framework SpriteKit. I implemented all the basic gaming features such as player movement, player jumping, camera work, animations, etc. Thanks to Design+Code for helping me out.

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Locution App

The problem of forgetting recently learned words motivated me to come up with an app of my own design that allows you to save the words you've learned.

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Africa iOS App

An iOS application that display information about different species of animals found in Africa along with come complex animations made using SwiftUI.

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Contact Info.


I am an iOS developer. I am passionate about developing UI's, coding, and very eager to adapt to new tech creating more learning opportunities.

Pratyush Duklan
Bloomington, IN, USA

Check out my Resume here.
